
Compare broadband only deals

Keep it simple with one of the broadband-only packages.

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Broadband Speed Test

Find out whether you could be getting faster home broadband speeds. Our speed test will check your current broadband and let you compare with other speeds in your area.

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Broadband Usage Calculator

Answer a few quick questions and our broadband usage calculator will give you a data estimate for your household. Using this we'll recommend the best kind of deal for you.


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  • Compare the best deals

    We compare the best broadband deals from a wide range of UK providers, with offers closely monitored to ensure accuracy.

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Compare broadband only deals

A lot of broadband packages will be offered with home phone, or as a bundle with phone and TV, but if you’re looking to keep things simple with just the web connection and nothing else, then check out the broadband-only deals.

There is no compromise on value, as you can still get low-cost standard broadband as well and superfast fibre-optic broadband at a great price, and many of the providers will offer exclusive introductory deals or discounts.

A number of packages offer totally unlimited usage, so you don’t need to worry about the amount of downloading or web browsing you do each month, and most are offered on a 12-month contract.  There are different providers to choose from, and the variety of packages means that it’s much easier to find something ideally suited to your requirements.

Broadband Finder helps you compare some of the best broadband-only packages. You should see a range of the latest broadband-only offers, with all the information you need to make an informed choice about which one could be ideal for you.

Need help choosing the best deal?
Call us on 020 4525 0220